
Titans sign Hickman from California

📁 Non classé @en 🕔19.June 2016
Titans sign Hickman from California
 The Temiscaming Titans are extremely pleased to announce the signing of ’95 born forward Taylor Hickman. From Saugus, California, the 6′. 170lbs forward comes to the Titans from the WSHL’s Valencia Flyers. He played last year with Niko Wilton and Jared Weldman who both recently signed with the team. In 2015/16, Taylor played in 47 games and had 7 goals and 18 assists with 13 PiM. Titans G.M. Nicolas Tourigny says that ” Taylor is a very versatile player who can play play both on offence or on defence. He does a lot of good things that don’t always show up on the scoresheet such as being an excellent penalty killer, blocking shots and taking the body when needed.” Tourigny goes on to say ” He’s always in a good position to make the right play. He will bring some more veteran leadership and much appreciated versatility to our team.”
Welcome to Temiscaming and the Titans, Taylor !!
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