
Van Doughty joins the Titans

📁 Non classé @en 🕔10.April 2020
Van Doughty joins the Titans

Van Doughty joins the Titans

Titans announce signing of North Bay forward Van Doughty

Van Doughty (2003) 5’11 ’’ 160L was selected in the 9th round in the last draft of the GMHL.

This season, Van was named “Forward of the Year” with the CAHS Chippewa Raiders.

The previous season, he distinguished himself by being both the best scorer on his team and the best scorer in the league for his age group.

GM comments on our new Titans:

“Van is a young man with quite a few tools to succeed on and off the ice.

He has an excellent understanding of the game, is aware of his defense as well as of the attack and is attentive to detail.
At Jr level, a player cannot rely solely on his talent, he must be able to assimilate game systems. Van will do very well in this regard.
He is also a follower of the gym, which bodes well for his development.
I have been monitoring his progress for 1 year and he is ready to take the leap, with all that it takes to teach a youngster of this age who is getting into competitive Jr hockey. He still has to gain a little muscle mass and he will become a dominant player. He always finds a way to collect his share of points. ”

Van came to train for a while with the team last winter and also attended the club’s training camp last August.

Welcome to the Titans Van.

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