
Titans vs Rattlers – North division Finals

📁 Non classé @en 🕔06.March 2020
Titans vs Rattlers – North division Finals

Titans vs. Rattlers, one of GMHL’s oldest rivalries.. Since the Titans saw the light of day (9 years ago), the tem has forged the best record in the league with 293-72-13. Who is 2nd? The Rattlers with 284-80-14 The Rattlers have won the Cup 3 times, including in the first 2 seasons of the Circuit. The Titans didn’t exist yet at the time. Since? Rattlers won the cup in 2012-13 The Titans won it in 2014-15 The Rattlers made it to the League Final in 2012-13. The Titans went to the League Final in 2011-12 and 2012-13 … against the Rattlers. Quite similar performance. Rattlers are usually talented and tough teams. That said, this season the average of their players is 6’0 ’’ 179l for an average age of 19.46 years. The Titans? 5’11 ’’ 181l for an average age of 19.78. Still quite similar. Titans and Rattlers have progressed all season. The Rattlers’ home and away record was: (21) 12-9-0 (21) 15-4-2 The Rattlers have won their last 6 games of the regular season. The Titans were: (21) 15-6-0 (21) 18-2-1 The Titans have won their last 4 games of the regular season. We see that the 2 teams are well prepared for the playoffs and entered the playoffs forcefully. This season the Titans vs Rattlers’ record is 2-2 .., but a victory for the Titans was acquired in overtime. If the playoffs represent a season, the tradition of Rattlers-Titans clashes is rich in hard-fought confrontations. These are 2 teams very well known around the world. You can bet that this series will be followed as much in Europe by recruiters, parents of former players of the 2 teams or current players. 1st match Saturday 7:30 p.m. at the Center.

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