Russell Cup finals dates
👤Denis Lacourse 📁
Non classé @en
🕔31.March 2022

To help you plan a bit, here are the dates for the Russel

Finals depending on whether we face the Durham Roadrunners or the North York Renegades.
Note that we chose to start on the road so that we could play games 3-4 and 5 (5 if necessary) at home.
Monday 4 and Wednesday 6 in Durham
In Témis: Friday 8-Saturday 9 & Sun 10 (if necessary)
Sunday 3 & Monday 4 in North York
In Témis: Thursday 7- Friday 8- Sat 9 (if necessary)
The Finals will be a Best of 7
As for our rivals:
Durham lead the Southern Division Final 3-2.
The next game in this series will be played tomorrow in North York.
So far these teams have only managed to win their home games.
So we are still waiting to find out the identity of our rivals and watching the whole thing unfold.
We could find out the identity of our rivals late tomorrow or late Friday night if a Game 7 is needed.
GO Titans!

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